Location: Westport CT
We were lead landscape architects involved from master planning, coordinating the design team, through ribbon cutting. Bothwell Site Design brought in engineers and architects as required. Scope included new changing rooms, small restaurant, complete pool deck renovation, new toddler pool, tennis courts, bluestone and granite stairs and ADA access.
Libre Commons Affordable Housing
Location: Fresno CA
Architects: YBA Architects, Portland OR
We provide lead landscape architecture for this 85 unit deeply affordable housing facility. The team dedicated ¼ acre towards open space for the permanent residents. The landscape design is inspired by the Tule indigenous people of the region and their art and culture. The design includes substantial trees and three shade structures, opportunities for multi-generational events, neighbor interaction, and special areas for children and parents. Our scope included all non- vehicular spaces, pavement design, lighting, entry signage, all amenities, irrigation.
Firm: Walker Macy
Role: Senior Designer and Senior Project Manager (Dorothy)
The design for this multi-family housing complex at Burnside and 12th Avenue on structure included pedestal pavers, lighting, custom pre-cast concrete pavers, outdoor gathering spaces with firepits, and green roofs on two levels. Using berms, the project managed to install extensive green roof plantings, incorporating tall shrubs and trees to provide shade.
Firm: Walker Macy
Role: Project Manager and Lead Designer (Dorothy)
Scope: Parking lot for Lewis and Clark College.
Materials: Basalt walls, porous pavers, asphalt, boulders
Our design for this campus parking lot tucked the parking program inside woods, removing as few trees as possible while meeting the client’s parking needs. We were able to remove all the invasive plants on site, while planting Pacific Northwest natives. We also repurposed all the removed site tree’s wood for structures on the site. We worked with a civil engineer to meet the project’s stormwater requirements, infiltrating parking lot runoff water with bioswales off the parking areas.
Collaborators: Alpenglow Landscapes
Scope: Parking lot planting for Ferment Brewery
Our design for this new parking lot included a focus on drought and wind tolerant planting that is suitable for the weather-rich river front landscape of Hood River. The plant palette focuses on providing a rich entry experience with planting that sways and picks up on the qualities of the Hood River weather. The design also provides appropriate plants that blend into the design for large bioswale in the center of the parking lot area.
Firm: Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architect
Role: Lead Designer (Dorothy)
Location: Healdsburg, California
Wick Design, San Francisco California & Wade Design
Earthtone Construction
New York ASLA Honor Award National ASLA Honor Award Mid-Atlantic States AIA Merit Award
Photography: Marion Brenner
The Bronx, New York
Collaborators: Katie Winter Architecture
Location: New Haven, CT
A new public park in downtown New Haven, funded by the Federal Transit Authority, with programming from a local art gallery and community center. Bothwell Site Design’s solution deftly merges the needs of transit commuters and a multi-use half-acre park. A grove of trees implies separation of uses yet unifies the park. Stone slab benches, recycled wood poles for suspending installations and audio / video equipment, and on-site stormwater management are some of the thoughtful solutions to fulfill program requirements with limited resources.
CT ASLA Award 2006